Mental Health Coaching
Obtaining knowledge is easy. Self-awareness is hard.
I am a certified mental health coach and graphic/web designer. I started this website many years ago to pair my passions for writing as well as supporting people on their journey to higher self-awareness and healthier living. I have offered support to many that are experiencing depression and anxiety and struggling to manage it. Please reach out to me anytime if you would like support on your mental health journey.

What can we do in coaching?
Just a Few Things I Can Help With

Managing Anxiety
Hello — fellow anxiety sufferer here! Together we’ll work on strategies to manage anxiety and be less fearful of the fear 🙂

Setting Boundaries / Fear of Conflict
Where might you be not setting firm enough boundaries in your life? We can also work on fear of conflict which often comes along with this.

Exploring Relationships
Relationships of all kinds are usually a huge part of what makes our lives meaningful. We can explore how to navigate them well in our coaching sessions.

Building Confidence
We’ll explore some of the best ways for you personally to feel more confident and empowered within yourself.

Exploring Spirituality
I am not religious and generally do not discuss religious principles during sessions, but have an in-depth understanding of Eastern philosophies as well as meditation.

Exploring Life Purpose
Many of us go through periods where we feel purposeless, or like we’re drifting. We can explore together what meaning means for you.

Reducing Negative Self-Talk
I’ve worked with many clients in understanding the root of their negative self-talk, and we work together on self-acceptance.

Exploring Sense of Identity
How we develop our sense of identities has always been fascinating to me. In coaching I often explore the difference between “core” self vs. “conditioned” self, and look at which one we are acting from in any given circumstance.

Video Game/Internet Addiction
These days it is not uncommon to develop a video game addiction as part of escapism from reality, avoidance from emotions, or any number of reasons. We can work through this together!
More About Me
My Philosophy
I am on a continual quest to understand what it takes to heal. The journey of healing your body is multi-faceted, and involves much more than first finding out what’s wrong with it, then throwing procedures and medications at it to change things.
I’m grateful for these options when they are needed, but true healing is much more long-term, and it requires effort.
The reason I ultimately decided to become a coach was not only that I had an un-ending interest in physical and mental health, but because I had had a myriad of unique experiences in my life including managing my generalized anxiety disorder, mild depression, experiences that came about through meditation, among many other things. I felt that I could support someone going through something similar because I could really understand and empathize.
I also like the coaching model because it gives those an opportunity to receive support even if they cannot afford therapy. I strive to make my sessions affordable while also being what I feel is fair to myself based on my amount of experience and knowledge at the time.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Coaching has become more common in recent years. Below are some frequent questions I get!
Why coaching instead of therapy?
In short, I understand why there is some doubt surrounding coaching. It isn’t a regulated field like therapy. However, when you have a certified, experienced, and well-rounded coach, coaching can also be incredibly therapeutic. There are plenty of studies out there for the benefit of having peer support; someone there to truly listen and someone that is on your side.
There IS also overlap in what both do. However, therapists often have the ability to diagnose and treat illnesses, while coaches are not able to diagnose and provide super specific treatments for those diagnoses.
Many of my clients have both a therapist and a coach, but if not, I don’t hesitate to recomend a therapist when I feel it might be needed.
What's your education background?
I am a certified Mental Health Coach with currently 2 years of experience working with a reputable company as a contractor.
I had a couple of years of Psychology, Philosophy, and Sociology classes, and will be obtaining my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
I have also been a writer on mental and physical health for the last 10+ years.
I am ALWAYS learning!
Online Coaching Worldwide
Get Help From The Comfort Of Your Home
I typically run coaching sessions from Zoom or Skype, with clients from around the world!
I conduct sessions in English only at the moment, but can understand Spanish very well, and working on Dutch.
"A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done."
Ram Dass

"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say."
Kahlil Gibran
Happy Clients
“The longer I‘m with the group, the more I realize how lucky I am to have you as a coach. You are doing your job really well. Thanks a lot, Liz.“

L. Ford
“These session have been incredibly helpful. I‘m finally learning to love the parts of me that I didn‘t like before. It feels great to have someone understand me and to reverse the negative self talk that I had about myself. My emotions feel validated but at the same time, I am not letting it excuse me from responsibility.“

Jaime B.
“Today was the final session. I am very grateful for everything and am happy with how the coaching was done. I enjoyed the balance of conversation where I didn‘t have to worry about what to say because you were always able to keep the conversation going or bring up insightful points that I can talk more about. It was a very open environment and I felt that there was no judgement. It felt really nice to know that there are people out there who share similar thoughts with me and it just motivates me to continue improving myself and not being ashamed of the person that I am.”

Beth Warren
My Latest Articles
How Can Mental Health or Life Coaching Help Me? What Should I Look For In a Coach?
Coaching has become one of my favorite-ever jobs. Every moment in a coaching session calls for my full attention and is a practice of mindfulness in and of itself. It's an opportunity to do my best to put my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or perceptions aside in...
My Journey into a Magical Love and through Utter Desolation, into Non-Attachment
In 2019, life gave me the chance to experience a new kind of love; something I hadn't anticipated in the least, being someone that had already had more than one very deep "soul-based" connections in my life (not just romantic). What impressed me the most about it was...
Back to the Writing World…Another Year of Experiences & Lessons
I stopped writing for a while… for many reasons really. One reason I’ll admit is when ChatGPT became readily available, I felt that my writing would lose value, or there was less to write about anymore that would have any impact. I felt deflated. Now as some time has...
Based in Portland, OR and occasionally Rotterdam, NL
Monday to Friday : 10am – 6pm
Saturday : 1pm – 4pm
Sunday : Day Off